


Turns out I do have a uti + I am positive for being at risk for preterm labor so I have to get two steroid shots to help her lungs develop (I’ve already gotten one)

I was on the monitor for 5 hours yesterday bcuz my dr is concerned with her movements & heart rate.

I will have to go back to the hospital tonight for the second steroid shot & to be monitored again.

My water HAS NOT broken

I will also now have weekly fetal movement monitoring at my dr office

As well as a growth scan bcuz the baby is measuring pretty far behind

Prayers are all I ask for 💕

—> I am 33 weeks pregnant with baby #5 (DUE FEB 18)

January 1st I started noticing a pinkish tint to my urine.

January 2nd I was still having the pink tint to my urine (which concerned me) + mild contractions apx 10 minutes apart.

I called my dr office & explained tot hem what was happening & they told me to go into the office as a walk in to be examined.

I get to the doctor & go to leave me urine sample & notice that my urine is now dark red so I let the receptionist know & they take me back right away.

Take my weight + blood pressure (which was normal) + hooked me up to the contraction monitor (I had a few but nothing concerning)

They did a swaB test to see if I’m at risk for preterm labor (won’t have the results back for a few days) + Tested my urine (said there was protein, bacteria & something else in it) + did a strip test to see if my water had broken.

THEY TOLD ME IT CAME BACK POSOTIVE & MY WATER HAD IN FACT BROKE. & I needed to go to labor & delivery at the hospital.


They did all the same tests as the dr

Urine test (came back same as dr)

Strip test to see if my water had broken however now came back NEGATIVE

I was in no kind of pain

My contractions had stopped

They still did t know why there was blood in my urine so they did an ultrasound

The ultrasound came back normal

My placenta is anterior but in correct position

My fluids looked good

They sent me home with no explanation or answers

Its JAN 3rd & im still having bloody urine + cramps + chest pain