Help me, please

I know you guys aren’t doctors, I’m just asking if anyone has had this before. Few weeks ago I had sex, and he finished in me. I’m not birth control, but I bled a shit ton after. This wasn’t our first time, and idk why I was bleeding. Few days go by and I’m sore, like inside. I’ve been bleeding on and off and I have like brown discharge, it’s weird. I’ve had massive headaches every day since, and I’m exhausted no matter how much sleep I get. Anyways, it’s been about 2 weeks and I’m fucking itching and burning so bad. I mean it’s almost painful. Idk if I’m pregnant, or if I have an infection, or if my skin is just really sensitive. Because that’s a possibility. My skin is massively sensitive, and I’ve had itching before, just not like this. I asked him if he had any stds or if there was a possibility and he brushed it off, so idk what to do. Do you think it’s something or is it all just a coincidence? Please help me. (Side note: if I could check with my fucking doctor I would. I’m not doing this for enjoyment.)