Helpful advice please

My boyfriend is mad because we never have sex, but you see Everytime we have sex he always have to mention someone else joining or me doing other guys or me doing other girls because to him it turns him on.. it's gotten to the point where every single time we make love that's all he mentions and wants.. I fell worthless anymore and I try to tell him how I feel it just turns into an argument anymore.. all he seems to want is me to be in 3somes 4somes and gangbang now.. I'm so depressed I don't know what to do.. and it's like previously we have had four 3somes 3 times with a guy friend and he got jealous and accusing me of liking him better.. then 1 time with one of my use to be best friends and he made out with her it broke my heart and I don't talk to her anymore.. I want to be with him I just wished he put more effort into me instead of everyone else and starting an argument because I don't give it up to him when he wants it... I believe that this is my body and I have a say so, but he makes it hard on me because if I say that to him then I don't love him or want him anymore..