Closed distance LDR; no friends&missing family so bad


In August I moved 2000 miles away to another country just to be with my (back then long distance) boyfriend but I'm so so lonely and sad... I don't have any friends there as I don't go to school + I work from home.

I'm very very close with my mum, could even call us best friends tbh. I feel like I could always go to her and find comfort in her being around when I still lived back home. I'm close with his family but I don't think I'd be comfortable with ranting to his mum as she doesn't seem to be the super close type. I know I always have my bf to talk to but sometimes I just need my mum and it makes me sad I only see her a few times a year now. I'm currently visiting home and I keep getting panic attacks when I think of returning back to the UK as I know I'll be super lonely and miserable once again.

I have tried finding friends on apps and stuff but that never really worked out because most people are just looking for a drinking buddy.

I try keep busy with work and the gym but always somehow I end up feeling alone (because I literally am lol). We've also got a kitten who I love a lot but obviously she isn't much of a chatting buddy as a human.

My boyfriend keeps telling me I should move back home if living away makes me so miserable and that we can go back to being long distance but that's why I moved in with him???? bc I couldn't take being apart at all

I just feel like I'll always be upset wherever I go and that I'll always be missing someone or something... Anyone any advice?