

Ladies that are in their first trimester.

I need some advice to ease my mind. I previously had s miscarriage in August, and I am pregnant for the 2nd time. Everything is going well, but my doctor cannot see me until the 8th week mark, and my anxiety is already bad. I am trying to stay calm, but all I can think about is what happened. I have no nausea, my stomach looks smaller, but I still hard. I am tired all the time, and my breast tenderness just disappeared. I have no spotting or bleeding. I see all these posts about missed miscarriages, and it’s really making me nervous. This app gives me anxiety. How do I ease my mind. If no spotting has started, is that a good sign? I also have a stomach ache. I take tests everyday just to ease my mind. I am claiming this will be a amazing baby, and everything will be ok. What will they do at an 8 week appointment. I tried a at home Doppler and I couldn’t hear a heart beat. I am 6 weeks and 3 days and it says the heart should be developed by now. So that makes me worried. I don’t want to stress myself out, because I know that’s not good. God has me. I just need some positive vibes and advice.

No negative comments please.