2 days late, inconsistent tests and horrible teeth/gum pain


I’m 2 days late according to Glow.

Little back story -> This is only my second month off BC so my cycles may still be adjusting. Any how I did have mid cycle bleeding and it’s my first time ever having it in my life. It was brownish and it lasted 3-4 days. My first go around TTC my son I went 7 months actively trying and never had implantation or mid cycle ovulation bleeding. I didn’t even spot during pregnancy until I went into labor.

I taken a test at 10 DPO and it was negative . I just tested last night because I was late and I had what I think maybe an evap but maybe a VVVVFL.

It sorta freaked me out because I thought I did well avoiding Sex with Hubby (which is hard he wants me pregnant now but we have a cruise in March and I don’t want to be 12 weeks preggo on it) during ovulation week but we did have sex the day before I started darkening on my OPK strips.

I waited for morning and took another test with FMU and it was BFN. It was so stark white I didn’t even need to take a picture to prove it. However my test from last night has a distinctive line and it’s colored and not just an indent or evap looking. I get this isn’t considered accurate anymore so I went to the store and bought a First Response.

It too was a BFN but I tested on mid day pee.

My other symptoms are always hungry and never really full. My teeth and gums are now in horrible pain and Tylenol and salt water isn’t doing anything to relieve it.

I’m not cramping as much as I did last month before Period or like I normally do either.

I’m just at lost of what’s going on and this teeth/gum pain is literally killing me. I literally contemplating telling the dentist to pull my damn teeth out 😣.

Anyone get negatives before a blatant BFP?