Need to vent...and some advice.

So my husband and I have been going through a rough past few months. About a month 1/2 ago, he accused me of cheating on him because he saw that my location showed that I was at an apartment complex next to where I work (we share locations through iPhone, I have also NEVER cheated. He stayed up all night that day, drove me to T-Mobile and made me ask for my phone and text statements. He made me get my time cards from ADP and even asked to see a video of me leaving for the day, the day he thought I was out cheating. We talked about it and we're working on rebuilding that trust. NYE he got out of work late, so when I got home after being with my family, he didn't even say hi, he just began to rush me to get ready. When we got back home he was telling me how he was mad that I didn't wanna spend a few hours with his family, that his family will always come before me (we don't have kids) and that it feels like I don't love him anymore. We talked about it and I finally told him that I think he's a lazy husband. I work almost every day, all day. He gets his 2 days off and there's times when he doesn't go in until about 4 pm. What does he do during that time? Get high, play video games, go to the gym, watch movies, etc. there's been plenty of situations where I've asked him to take care of certain things, and he either does a half assed job, or completely disregards what I asked him to do. Today, he didn't work until 4 pm, he said he was "picking up." Our place isn't dirty, just a few things lying around where they don't belong. Would take at most an hour to pick up. I get home, nothing is done. So my issue is, it seems like it's ok for him to completely go psycho on me, claim I don't love him, drive me and make me ask for statements, accuse me of cheating, and he can't put in his part in tending to our home? I literally just told him that was one of the issues i have with him and I don' find it fair that I can put in the effort but he can't. I just don't know what to do at this point.