Issues after 32 week appointment


I had my 32 week appointment today and a BPP scan on the boys. They are doing well (weighing around 4lbs + each).

I have been contracting really bad for a couple weeks and have been in the hospital a few times to stop them.

My doctor was not in the office for my appointment today so her PA (physician assistant) did my appointment. She did a cervical check (which was the first painful check I have had) and after leaving I realized I was also bleeding (first time for that too).

Bleeding has calmed down but lots of mucus still and cramping.

Is this normal?

Both babies are head down. A is fully engaged and B is right next to him. Not sure if it’s because of that or something else.

I plan to call tomorrow if things don’t calm more but thought I would ask if anyone else has had a similar experience?