Need advice from nurses or CNAs


It’s my third year of college and really I’m fucked up, my gpa is fucked and it’s going to take me forever to graduate . I was planning on graduating and then going into an accelerated nursing program . But right now I’m going through so many problems with my family that it fucks me up mentally everyday . I’m going through a crisis and all my family does is call me ungrateful for not thanking them for being OVER CONTROLLING in my life . I’m going to be 21 soon and I feel like I can’t do this university bs anymore rn or I might have a break down . I started thinking about going into CNA program so I can start working sooner and also gain nursing experience so that in the future I can continue the university thing and become an RN. Can I get some advice on what I should do in this situation And if it’s worth doing a CNA course so that I can start my life already .

Ps. I know I sound like a brat when I say that my family is over controlling but they are literally middle aged crisis people that at many times have lost their mind and it’s HARD dealing with it .