Heartwarming moment


I sometimes worry about my first born feeling left out with no.2 on the way. He is 3 in 2 months so I wonder how much he understands.

Well, tonight, I was trying to get him to sleep and we are lying in bed talking. I ask if he wants to sing a song... "no!".... OK, do you want to sing a song to baby "OK!". I list some songs and he says which one he likes, we sing. He then suggests the next song and we sing, and again. He then pats my tummy to say goodnight to baby.

I mean, my heart is filled with so much love right now. I wonder how on earth I can love another one as much but looking forward to finding out. I love this small human I made. I hope the ftm understand this feeling soon and the mums who have been there and done that get these tender moments ❤️❤️❤️ they really make up for all the hard and trying moments! (can you tell I am extra hormonal today?)