40 weeks & waiting


So my later due date was today (01/03) - this date was based on my estimate of conception & the measurements from my first ultrasound around 8 weeks. The earlier due date was 12/30 if you go by LMP. Anyway - I’ve been getting headaches daily since week 39, but I’m told my BP is good, baby’s HR is good, & there’s enough fluid in there. Feeling quite awful actually - kind of like I’m getting sick. No signs of labor though. And believe me, I’ve tried everything. Induction is scheduled for 01/10 if she’s not here on her own before then. I’m still worried about my rainbow baby & want her here healthy & safe & soon. I was counting down until today but will now be counting down until induction! Trying to be patient & really trying not to worry. Wishing all the mamas the very best.