Early pregnancy signs or am I just going crazy??


Hey Guys. First time poster here. Hubby and I are trying for #1. I was given the ok by my bariatric surgeon to start trying in September as I've reached my goal weight and stabilised (lost 52kg!!). Hubby has a beautiful step son who is 10 and I LOVE being a step mum but I desperately want one of my own.

Anyway AF is due in 3 days. I got thrush a few days ago which has NEVER happened to me before (I got it sorted lol) but I googled causes of thrush and one came up as hormonal changes eg pregnancy so that sent me into a spiral of checking every other tiny symptom. For the past 3 days I've had light spotting on and off. I've also had a constant headache and have been exhausted constantly (randomly fell asleep on my mother in laws couch the other afternoon - embarassing). Today I went with my mother in law and step son to lunch and then to the movies to see bumblebee. I got a massive attack of reflux just before the movie started and then felt so sick I had to run down to the toilet and throw up. I then spent the entire movie crying. It was bumblebee for christ sake!! I even cried at the superannuation ad that was on before hand.

I just generally feel yuck. I've been spinning out of control googling every tiny symptom possible. I keep putting everything down to the hot weather and just being run down after a crazy Christmas period. I don't want to get my hopes up. Wanted to post on here because I'm pretty sure my best friend and husband are sick of my crazy texts!!!