Feeding in hospital - confused!

Monixxx • Baby born March ‘19. TTC #2

So I’m a FTM due end of feb and I haven’t bought any bottles/pumps because I want to exclusively breast feed from the get go.

Reading a lot of things on the app about how milk doesn’t come in for a few days after birth etc which has left me feeling confused.

Midwives have said ‘breast is best’ but will my baby be left hungry or supplemented with formula till it comes in then?

Might sound like a silly question but I’m so confused!!

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The first few days you'll produce colostrum, then as baby feeds more and more it'll kick start your milk coming in!


Monixxx • Jan 5, 2019
Thank you!


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Baby only needs a marble sized amount at the start so it gets enough during the early days. That's why baby cluster feeds like crazy at the start as its filling and emptying so quickly and that in turn helps your milk come in. My mature milk didnt come in until around 5 weeks.


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You can try and start to hand express after 37 weeks and midwifes say if you can hand express 5ml from each breast then you can start pumping, which means if you are interested in pumping your milk and feeding via bottle, then use would need to buy a electric breast pump. On the wards they had breast pumps and bottles etc they also have formula milk for women on the wards too. When my son was born I wasn't able to breast feed him as he needed to be in the NICU ward and I had to start hand expressing and then pumping it so he would get my milk and I used all the hospitals items 😊😊😊


🇬🇧Lottiee🇬🇧 • Jan 5, 2019
It's ok.


Monixxx • Jan 5, 2019
Good to know hospitals do have something on the ward. Thank you


Posted at
I am bringing starter pack formula milk also. Just incase i have trouble feeding. Hopefully I won’t. x