Leave him alone or Wait it out


Hey ladies,

Looking for a little insight. Since my last dating experience (the “friend” intro post a couple of months ago) I started dating someone new.

He’s a former coworker that I had no clue liked me other than our constant flirty eyes and stare downs lol. We hadn’t seen each other in a couple of years until he was with a mutual friend/coworker of ours and saw me on her social media. He asked her to give me his number and from there we reconnected.

He told me he had been too shy to approach me then but always admired me and thought I was so beautiful and figured I liked him also but didn’t want to assume anything. He said he always wondered “what if” in regards to approaching me and us dating and being together. The feeling was definitely mutual but neither of us made a move on it back then.

About a month after that reconnection (right around when I stopped dating the other guy) He contacted me and started asking to see me. Things have changed drastically from him face timing me every day or calling to barely receiving a text back.

I’ve asked him before if everything is alright and he says he doesn’t like talking about his problems but appreciates me being there for him.

He won’t open up about whatever is going on but my flight response/prior dating history makes me think he’s not interested anymore even though he says he is and it’s nothing to do with us. And you ladies know what that makes us do...push harder.

I’m trying my best to not do that so any suggestions on what to do? I’ve tried not calling or texting, he eventually texts me but when I respond he rarely texts back or takes forever to respond. I really liked him but it’s getting frustrating and I’m talking myself into thinking “he’s just not that into you” anymore