okcupid date rant


(This is just me ranting about my date 2 nights ago)

I met someone on OkCupid.. we talked for a week before we met up for dinner. He is so sweet and very attractive haha. I really enjoyed having conversations with him and was really looking forward for our date sooo Wednesday (Jan 2nd) 6pm came and he picked me up.. it was not awkward whatsoever and I felt like we actually clicked and talked the entire ride. We got to our dinner spot, ate, he paid and then asked if I wanted to get drinks with him so... of course since I genuinely felt like I wanted to get to know him, I said sure. We went to a cute bar and drank like 2 drinks.. thennnnn he asked if I wanted to go to his place, since our hometown is a bit boring and there’s nothing fun to do, I said why not!! Lol we got to his place, we watched a movie and were talking for a good bit and took 2 shots of tequila.. next thing I know we were making out! Things were getting hot and we ended up having sex. I always told myself that I would never have sex on the first date but I don’t know what it was about this guy.. I felt so comfortable with him so quick. I NEVER feel that way bc of what happened to me when I was younger (rape..). Once we finished we took a little break and he wanted to fuck again.. I was so tired but the sex was amazing! I slept over since i didn’t want him to drive so late and we woke up so early (4am) and went at it again before he took me home lol. He said he never got to know someone in just a day and said he likes me.. I told him that I liked him too.. but now we’re barely talking. I know his schedule is supppppper busy since he’s in the military and working. He also mentioned that he doesn’t really like talking alllll day everyday, which I understand bc I’m the same way but... ugh i can’t believe I slept with him on the first fucking date!!! I’m really beating myself up about it but I don’t regret it. I’m so confused right now and want to talk to him about what exactly he wants from me but I guess I’ll have to wait for our next date☹️