Should I be worried about cervix? please help

Ok so last night was the first time ever that I had sex with my SO and it didn’t feel great.( it was just the first time it felt uncomfortable we had sex a lot before then) The deeper he went the more it didn’t feel good. Didn’t hurt bad but didn’t feel good either. So after we were done I went to the restroom with tons of white discharge but it was pink. I could tell it was white bc previously I’ve been having creamy discharge so the discharge was creamy but pink. Every time I wiped it was there. Every.single.time. And it was quite a bit. I’ve read that it could be an irritated cervix. I went got a pap done maybe a month or less ago at urgent care and he didn’t say if anything was off he even checked my cervix to see if I had maybe PID or something but he said everything seemed to be fine. He even swabed me did the culture tests for chlamydia and gonn.. negative. Should I be concerned that my cervix was maybe irritated last night? I think I started my period the next morning which is today nothing hurts or burns didn’t even burn after I had sex it was just pink spotting and uncomfortable when having sex. Im confused