I need advice y'all


Okay, so the one month I decide not to track ovulation, my body does weird stuff. Of course.

According to Glow I was supposed to ovulated on Dec. 27th. Glow is usually only a day or so off when I actually O. So, we BD on the 22nd and 27th. On the 29th, we were going to my MIL and I got a sharp pain in my right pelvic/ovary area. Usually when I ovulate, I get kind of crampy, but this was a sharp pain. When we got to my MIL, I went to the bathroom and there was some bloody CM (red, looked different than a period). Didn't have any kind of bleeding after that. Today I'm 8dpo and feeling super nauseous and have had some metallic taste in my mouth and a slight headache. I'm not trying to symptom spot lol, just giving more details. Anyone have any ideas on what could be going on?