I need help!

So this guy from tinder added me and he went on deployment shortly after, we didnt have time to hang out or meet up but he made it known he thought I was beautiful and wanted to hang out. So we chat on an off for the next month (he was never creepy, inappropriate, never asked for pics, never a pervert) he was very nice and I knew he had a daughter and when I asked if he was married or had a girlfriend he said "no wife anymore" so I dropped it at that. He comes back and we chat, he asks to hang but I'm so busy. THEN yesterday. I see a pic on his story that says "hacked by your wife" with a photo of her. Shes pretty, what do I do?!?!?! I dont care for the dude, never met him in real life. I dont want to ruin a marriage, do I keep my mouth shut or do I ask him about it? I don't want to message him if his wife has access and ruin what they have for some rando girl he added on tinder and talks to occasionally! Never about his wife , he never mentioned her or anything negative about her.