Mr Perfect??

So I met this guy back in June of 2018 at my job where we talked briefly and he gave me his number. I texted him once and told him I would call after work but I never did. I could NOT get this man off my mind!! Like he was EVERYTHING from the looks to, what he had done/did in his life so far this... this man was Amazing!! Fast forward to December 2018 where I found the old message thread from when we spoke in June so I took it upon myself to hit him up. He REMEMBERED ME!!! So we chatted n FaceTime a few times. He works OTR n on NYE he said he was coming near my area and wanted to link up. Now I usually don’t do this type of stuff be from the 1st day I saw him I said he was someone I saw myself having a 1 night stand with like one of those erotic fantasies that u read about. So I go n meet him n I swear I fell in LOVE!! I was so nervous at first but it was really like hanging with an old friend. That night I watched him sleep, held him all night n kissed his back n arms while he slept. I felt creep like but I had never done anything like this or felt that strongly for a stranger it was all so new and weird. Now I can’t get him off my mind, I smile just thinking about him. My friend says I should wait n see if he calls me to see if he’s interested but I think if u want something you have to go for u right?? Idk I’m confused but happy to know I’m not and emotionless prude but it’s def true diff ppl bring out diff stuff in u