I'm probably just being sensitive...


So for the whole month of November and December I've worked 14 hour days 6 days a week. Plus we moved during Christmas and the hubby and I got sick/still are sick. So I've been exhausted and because I've been working so much the hubby did a lot of the work for the move. He works 6 am-2pm Monday to Friday. Very scheduled and he does the same thing every day. My one boss said to me the other day that my exhaustion was starting to show in terms of my performance. So I got a morning shift covered and slept in until I had to leave for my other job just to catch up. I then texted my husband asking If he felt up to it to try and tidy up our living room because my niece and nephew were coming the next day.. I also said that I would clean in the morning if he didn't feel like it because I had to do the cat litter and my car anyways.

So day 2/3 of having the kids here. He leaves for work this morning just pissed. I asked him what was going on and he lost it on me. He said hes been stressed to the max, that I shouldn't have the kids here and that I've been lazy. (In terms of that morning I stayed home to sleep). Keeping in mind the first week we've been living here, I've unpacked almost the whole house.. took care of the animals and have been cleaning all the while working the 14 hour days 6 days a week. He has come home every day this week and has done nothing but slept and made dinner for himself.

Why am I the bad guy here..

He literally slept all day yesterday while the kids were here and I stayed outside in the Gd snow and played with them so they wouldnt wake him. We have the kids for a couple days because my sister is a single mom who desperately needs a break and I had a couple days off. For once. I haven't seen them in months and he visits his mom and nephew literally every other day. We live almost 2 hours from my family..

Yet hes tired, stressed and overwhelmed.