Would allow your bf to do this?

I’ve been with my bf for 4 years. Long story short, about 1 year into our relationship, I found out that he was masturbating to girls at his school. I absolutely didn’t like it and told him I didn’t but he kept doing it. I was young and naive, & although it hurt me so much I stayed with him. He stopped about 2 years into our relationship. I was hurt but I thought it was just a dumb mistake.

Fast forward 2 1/2 years later...we are happier than ever. HOWEVER, my man runs a clothing business & needed models. He asked me but I declined because I just don’t like doing that kind of stuff. When I told him no, he told me that it was okay because he found other girls to do it. I asked him who & he named a few girls he used to masturbate to. I was SO furious. He didn’t understand what the big deal was, but he told me he’ll find other people. He asked his friends but one of the girls flaked. So, this morning I wake up to a HUGE paragraph from him saying how the girl flaked and that he wants to ask one of the girls he originally asked. He told me I need to stop getting in the way and being controlling. He also said that if he wanted to be with them he would...but that’s not the point (which he doesn’t get). We talked about it over text because he insisted that we do. It ended badly because I told him I still don’t like that he’s trying to get those specific girls to do it. But I’m seeing him in about and hour so hopefully things will calm down. He thinks I’m being ridiculous because he didn’t do anything with them and he “doesn’t like them”, but I just honestly think it’s a slap in the face. I don’t feel like a “bad girlfriend” and I honestly stand by my choice. My question for you girls is: would you be okay if your SO did this to you?

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