Dieting and breastfeeding


Hello Mommas! A little backstory: My son is 11 months old (1 year Jan 16) I’ve always made more than enough breast milk. I give breastmilk to my best friend who has a 10 month old regularly so she doesn’t have to supplement with formula (under supplier). Hubby and I eat pretty healthy generally. We try to buy mostly organic we stay away from a lot of processed foods. I am back to my normal pre pregnancy weight which isn’t overweight but isn’t necessarily as fit as I could be. SO new year new me right. Right, so I started Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and have changed my diet pretty drastically. I’m eating pretty much zero fat and no dairy.

Today while working I pumped HALF as much as I normally do. I brought home 7 ounces instead of the usual 14-19 oz. 😖

I’m assuming this is due to diet change but I am not ready to wean yet. I know he needs less milk after a year but will my milk just keep becoming less and less? I am just at a loss right now and am wondering if any mommas have been through something similar. I am willing to put dairy back into my diet if necessary!