Pain... help

Makayla • Preschool teacher, and mother to be 😍

I have a full time job as a preschool teacher, and being 35 weeks pregnant, the plan was to work until I pop, financially I dont see any other way, but I am in so much pain after a full day of chasing 24 3-5 year olds around Mon-fri, today I couldnt take it and was sent home a hour early, I just need advice on what to do in the situation, and to help with the pain thats bringing me to tears, the pain is mainly in feet, tail bone (real bad), lower back and hips, Its just so over whelming, I need help. (Picture so I dont get lost)

Update* Also I was only 100 pounds at 5'3'', Ive gained 30 pounds and I dont know if thats a contributing factor....