Wanna hear a short story? {Whoops, not that short}


I’m bored as hell so here’s a fact about me:

I was born without the adult tooth of one of my front teeth {Not the one of the two front teeth but the one next to the right one} but o had a baby tooth there. Whenever I lost that baby tooth I was given all kinds of fake teeth to hold the space and such until I’m old enough for an implant.

People haven’t really noticed it, except now I don’t have a retainer or anything to hold the space, and so now it’s kinda obvious. And it really jumps out if I start talking. This has made me really subconscious whenever I smile cause I start to think people are judging the gap between my teeth. Cause it makes it look like someone punched a tooth out, or I lost it somehow.

I’m really trying to stop letting that get to me and just be happy, but it’s hard to just smile without thinking, “Do they think this is weird?” “Should I stop smiling?” “Are they staring at me?” I’m really just over it and I mostly smile with my mouth closed now.

Wow, that was longer then I thought it would be. If you took time out of your day to read this, thank you.