My baby's father

First let me say we aren't together. I made him move out thw minute I found out he was cheating. A month later, found out I was pregnant. Still not wanting anything to do with him, I decided to keep the baby even though everything screamed in me that I probably can't afford another kid on my own. Was so sick the First few months that I had him move back in since I missed so much work and couldnt catch up with my bills. After about 3 min after he moved his crap back in, I instantly regretted it. Now I'm at the point that I would just prefer he move back out and just live his life. I know that he's not going to physically help me with the baby when it's born. I literally just want us to go our seperate ways. But once the baby is born I have to recover and wont have any help financially or physically with the baby.. Idk what to do... I suffer from anxiety and depression...this isnt helping my mental right now..