When to seek a doctors opinion...

Hannah • Wife to my high school sweetheart and mother to the most wonderful little boy in the world (2 years old). Always counting my blessings
I had my IUD removed last February, and we have been trying for baby #2 since. My cycles didn't really normalize until about April, and because of my husband's work schedule, there have been a couple of months where he's been gone during my ovulation window. I'm trying to be patient, and know that God has a plan. But I'm wondering at what point I should check in with my doctor and make sure my health is where it should be for conception? With my first, I stopped my birth control in May and was pregnant in July. I tried to go into this adventure knowing it may take longer, but I also don't want to keep playing it off as the "timing wasn't right", when it may be more than that. TIA!