My MIL is driving me crazy


Y’all, my MIL is driving me crazy. My son will be 5 months old tomorrow, and she is always giving unwanted advice/opinions. To make things worse, she didn’t raise her own kids. She was a cocaine addict and my husband’s grandparents raised him and his siblings. She lives 30 mins from us and always has her theories. She thought he was “fussy” at 2 months because he was teething (he had an allergy to milk and we had to change formulas), she thinks the doctors never know what they’re talking about, she thought before my son could roll over there was nothing wrong with putting him on his stomach to sleep and said it was fine when my husband was a baby, told us just to take him out of the car seat in the car if he wanted his bottle 😳 and swears he got hand foot mouth a few weeks ago from daycare—even though no other kids in his class have/had it. She was going to go up there and literally cuss the workers. It couldn’t have anything to do with the fact that she and my husband took him to target 24 hours before he got it and she was letting him touch toys and put them in his mouth 🙄

She’ll go to Walmart and buy him and outfit and get upset if I don’t put him in it and take pictures of him in them for Facebook. She actually asked me once why I haven’t posted any pictures of him in the outfit she bought. Really? 😳 Since he actually IS teething now, she fussed at me at Chrismas asking where the teething pacifiers were she got him. I told her I gave them to him and he acted like he didn’t want them. 🤷🏻‍♀️ She actually told my husband she wanted him to wear the tux she got our son Christmas Day, even though it was Christmas and everyone was going to wear Christmas outfits. I ignored her and put him in one of his Christmas outfits, of course. She bought him a five pack of bibs that says “crazy about grandma” on every.single.bib

It drives me nuts. I don’t even answer her phone calls. Anyone else have a MIL like this?