Am I wrong?

My mother loves to come over my apartment every month for 1-4 days sometimes to spend time with me. I left home over a year ago & I live 35 miles away from my parents & I don’t get to see my mom much due to work (I work 16 hour days 4-5 times a week so I’m drained) she’s disabled and can’t drive herself so either I or my father drops her off & gets her when she goes back home. problem is I live in a 800 square feet apartment with my fiancé. It’s very small so not much privacy or room while she’s here. She came twice last month (December) she stayed for 4 days and then came back 2 weeks later and stayed just 1 day on Christmas Day, I drove her around to see Xmas lights and bought us food.... but she got upset when I told her I was taking her home early in the morning the next day around 9am (there is heavy traffic where I live so if I take her later I’ll be in traffic for up to an hour both ways in the city) she was mad and mad a comment and said, “well I’ll just stay home next time them.” I got annoyed & just dropped her off early, barely missing traffic. Yesterday, she asked me if she wanted to come over again (she was here less than 2 weeks ago) I told her no. I don’t want to be mean but she was just here & I don’t want my fiancé feeling a certain way about my mother always being here so much. I do love when she here & have no problem. i just feel torn & now I feel guilty. What should I do? Am I wrong???