anonymous hoe

As a person who has been working as a caregiver for the past 3 years I am absolutely heartbroken. They claim they had no idea she was pregnant until she was in labor and I think they’re lying, I think they’re covering it up cause there’s no way they wouldn’t have noticed when she is assigned round the clock care. The fact that she’s in a vegetative state would mean that regular tests and exams would be done on her, either they’re trying to cover it all up or every single employee in that facility is incompetent. I personally think all the staff assigned to her care need to be charged for neglect because under no circumstances is this acceptable. whoever did this to this poor vulnerable woman needs to be found and given a maximum sentence in prison!! The baby is apparently okay which is very surprising as this woman received zero prenatal care. I feel so much sadness for this woman, her family, and her baby. If you or anyone you know has to place a family member in a care facility make sure you do research and advocate for your family member in the best way you possibly can because sadly these things do happen!