In need of Emotional support...


So my Fiancé left for boot camp on December 18th (coast guard) all the way in new jersey. (We live in Georgia). He called me on Christmas day and told me he had strep throat but that he was doing okay. I assumed everything was alright and that his graduation date would still be February 8th but then today I talked to his mom and she told me that he really had the flu and was out of commission for at least a week so his date has been pushed and so he won't be graduating until sometime in March and she told me when he called them on the phone to tell them about the date change (he was unable to call me and tell me as well) he was sobbing and depressed and my heart just sank. I love him very much, we're high school sweethearts and I just don't know what to do. I will be writing him a letter today to try and make him feel much, much better. Knowing when his graduation date was, helped because I kept thinking wow that's not that far away but now not knowing exactly when and knowing it's two months away, it just really hurts and I know it's worse for him having to stay away even longer.