The IVF journey begins...

Michelle • 6/30/17 👰🏻🤵🏼, Dog mom 🐶🐶, TTC#1 🐟

Hey ladies...thanks for still staying with me! I really appreciate the support ❤️ I hope you’re feeling well and want to keep hearing how you’re doing.

Today DH and I went in for our <a href="">IVF</a> consult and we put a plan in place. This cycle I’ll start with baseline testing, a sonohysterogram, and a trial transfer. After next AF I will start birth control and then injections. I’m looking at an end of February/early March egg retrieval.

We have to do the embryo chromosome testing because it’s recommended for my age and that will boost us up to a 60% chance I’ll get pregnant which I think sounds like promising odds! So we need at the luck this works!