Breastfeeding feeding in public?!

Maribel • 🐒,👦🏼 7 year old son, 👼 Isabella N Snyder 🐒12.20.17-01.17.18🙏,our 🌈👶 Nicholas 🐒

So how many moms are breastfeeding 🤱🏼 in public without any discomfort? And how are you spouses taking it ? Also do u cover up all the time? Also for big breast women, how do you deal with it? I’m big breasted and in and out of the house to take my son to school and then pick up and w.e else since the husband is always working. I’m ok with breastfeeding anywhere but the husband makes a stink out of it and his energy is just off putting but I don’t care I do wat I need to and yes it’s a bit difficult to cover up I feel like I’m smothering my son with the boob and a blanket .