so TIRED of being the only parent.

I don’t know what’s worse... being with the father of your child and still being the only parent or not being with the father and being the only parent.

It’s so infuriating being the only one taking care of your child(ren) and watching the father sit there on their ASS doing nothing. They are just WATCHING you while you’re running off of no sleep doing everything.

And then they have the audacity to say that they shouldn’t be doing it because they work all week and it’s the “women’s job”. They say that they need a day off. EXCUSE ME? A DAY OFF? I may not get any income from taking care of OUR child but that doesn’t mean it’s not work. BEING A SAHM IS SO FUCKING HARD. Don’t get me wrong, I love it. I love with able to spend every moment with my child. But also I NEED A BREAK. I NEED to be able to sit down worry free with a bottle of wine in my hands. I NEED to be able to get at least 30 minutes uninterrupted sleep every so often. I NEED to able to go to the bathroom BY MYSELF every now and then.


Rant over