

Fun story!

So my husband and I wanted one more baby so we started trying again. We went to the hospital for our first ultrasound at 8 weeks. First the tech checks everything to make sure there’s no ectopic pregnancy (they didn’t do this with my first one so it must be new) she says okay well I’m going to put it up on the screen now.

While I am grabbing my other little one sitting beside me I hear my husbands voice “is there two in there?” I told him to shut up because that’s not funny. As the tech started speaking I looked over at the screen she says “yup you’re having twins”

What’s funny about this is my Dad (who knew we were trying) told me (after a confirmed pregnancy test he had no idea about) that twins run on my side. When I asked him about it the last twins were in the 1600, 1700, and 1800’s. Can’t confirm if they were fraternal or identical however because of how long ago. Welp Looks like it was meant to be it was meant to be ❤️