Please read until the end 🤦🏼‍♀️

I am honestly so hurt. I was seeing this guy and we instantly boned together. When we were first talking he would say things to me like he wanted to be in a relationship with me and that he’s not like everyone else and etc.. I really liked this guy, I honestly felt like he would never do me wrong. Then all of a sudden he started getting distant with me. Me and him would text everyday from morning until night but then all of a sudden it wasn’t the same anymore. He would always say he wasn’t having a good day or he was in a bad mood so I would try to help him feel better. Me and him had been talking and having sexual since September. I knew him for a while tho. But anyway, he was acting all funny and I come to find out the day before my birthday on December 26 that he had gotten into a whole other relationship. It hurt me because the last time we had sex was in December 18. Which means he still chose to have sex with me while he was planning on getting in a relationship. I text him 2 days after I found out to figure out wtf he would do something like that without telling me and just pushing me away and shutting me out. I asked him before if he only wanted sex but then he said I was trying to make it seem like he was using me. Now all this time has passed and I am still so upset about what happened. I honestly loved this man. From the bottom of my heart. He made me feel happy in ways I thought I couldn’t be happy again. I honestly don’t know what to do because I’m still hurt by the fact that he did this to me and doesn’t seem to care at all after everything we’ve done. I just need advice from someone. Anyone. I’m desperate for answers because I hate feeling like this and it’s so hard for me to be happy again. I’m going to graduate in May and he’s 22 . I know I shouldn’t have been dealing with him in the first place but I really thought he cared about me

There are more messages and I can post them if needed but this is where I explained to him that he should’ve just told me. Sorry about any typos but any advice is greatly appreciated.