So close to 100! UPDATE #2


I’ve finally surpassed 100! My next goal is 199! I’m currently at 202!!! Sooo close!

I’m at 214! 5lbs to 100! I’m sooo excited. My next goal after 209 is 199! I’ve not been in the 100s in my adult life! Keto works!!

Thank everyone for all the kind words!!!

12/7/16 to 4/18/19

For the last 2 years I’ve been working my ass off trying to lose weight. I was originally 309lbs at my heaviest. I told myself that I wasn’t going to continue to live that lifestyle. I spent the first year trying to change eating habits. I definitely had setbacks. I stopped eating fast food. I’d pick one single restaurant at a time and say I don’t eat there. I stopped eating bread and pasta. I already didn’t drink soda! Someone suggested that I nonfood reward myself. Something I booked a 7 day eastern Caribbean cruise! 233 days to lose weight. I lost 64 lbs! The cruise was amazing! I got stuck after that and wasn’t as motivated as I was before...So in November my friend suggested I try Keto. It was a struggle at first but I’ve finally started losing again! I’m down to 221! 11lbs from a 100!!! My goal is 165 so I still have a long road but I’m making my way there! I bought a bike and I’m joining the gym! I am planning on a nonfood reward the beginning on 2020!

I feel so much better about myself! I’ve gotten so many compliments! I had an old co worker walk up to me today and say if I wouldn’t have known your voice I wouldn’t have known that was you! I’m hoping to hit 209 by The middle of February! Then into the 100s I go!!

147lbs down