Pins in hip and pregancy?

🐝-zz off!
I found out today, my doctor wants to put 3 pins in my hip that's has been fractured since April, it's slowly healing, but no unknown chance it will completely heal on its own, I've been wheelchair bound and using crutches for 10 weeks, and I'm still dealing with pain, and because I bare weight more on my other leg, it's causing issues with my ankle (not the injured leg) I'm nervous about this, and wondering if I do have these pins put in my hip, would it cause a problem with pregancy or maybe would be better getting them in, than having a chance becoming fractured again with the weight gain of pregancy. 😩 Has anyone had or know someone that has had this issue? Also, we don't know what caused the fractured, he said it's very rare for someone my age (33) and has seen it in marathon runners. I've ran a marathon...never!