8 month old hates sleep!!!!!


I've been trying to get my lo on a routine she's 8 months on the 18th. Right now she

10am wakes any earlier and she'll refuse food just keeps falling asleep. At 10 She will eat maybe 3oz

11:30am Naps but wakes at noon for bottle will drink 6oz

1pm eats lunch usually few bites of fruit purees or finger sized portion of bananas or avocado.

2pm takes a 4 oz bottle

She might nap around this time but for only 10 minutes and not frequently.

4:30pm another 4oz bottle and naps

5:00 eats dinner

6:00 bath

7:00 another 4 oz bottle dad gets home from work she gets wound up

8:30 we start bedtime routine. This is where it gets rough. She refuses to fall asleep before 9:30 she'll cry for hours unless she's on her crib with me holding bottle. Through out the night she wakes up looking for bottle. She won't let me hold her she starts pushing off me screaming so I wake up 4 times a night she'll drink an oz with me holding the bottle up n her crib then passes back out I remove bottle she'll sleep maybe another 2 hours and repeats.

This has been going on since she was 3 months she was breast feed prior but my milk dried up do to uncontrolled thyroid levels. Right after she started refusing pacifier. She doesn't suck her thumb and is very much not a cuddler(even though it makes me sad lol) she seems to be using the bottle to soothe. HELP I NEED SLEEP :)