
So my cycle on average is about 25 days (my last period ended on the 17th of Nov)and this month my period came 6 days early on the 3rd and ended up lasting until the 12th (9days)I've been thinking about it nonstop because my usual period is only 3-4 days long. It's started out really heavy (with a few cramps here and there in the beginning), like heavier than any other period I've had and that lasted about 3 days, after that it was a light brownish pink color and my flow was very light but ongoing. My periods usually have a pretty regular flow and i usually get pretty severe cramps at the start of my period. I kinda felt like I had had a miscarriage considering me and my boyfriend were very sexually active all month prior to Dec but I really don't know. I am now 8 days late on my period. Could you possibly know what that was all about?