Have you experienced any long term birth control side effects? (The pill here)


Yes, as in zero sex drive, painful tearing during sex, never wet anymore, reoccurring yeast infections and general irritation, etc etc?

I found there is such little information about this. I only realized I wasn’t alone until some Facebook girls were open and ALL said they have had similar problems and their solutions, etc. also, I talked to my doc but HE just kept prescribing creams for the symptom but not solving the problem. I demanded to see an OBGYN and no problemo and she confirmed my own self diagnosis. Biggest relief.

I was on the pill ince I was 15, quit last year at 28. The last 4 years have been hell. I am definitely attracted to my husband still, check him out all the time. But I just don’t care about sex. It is almost impossible for my body to lube itself. And most of last year I was in such pain during and after sex that I would bawl my eyes out after. Let alone the guilt that I couldn’t put out for my husband often enough. Was horrible. But I’ve been off since July 2018 and my body is starting to re-adjust. Not painful anymore, still have to start slooooow, but otherwise no tearing! Also, haven’t had a yeast infection since and that was a big annoying problem. Sex drive is still low but getting there slowly. Least I’m not depressed and crying after sex!

Getting off the pill has been the best thing I’ve done for my body.

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