Waiting game ⏳


I’m so angry right now but i have ti get this out somewhere so why not here

So i was booked for induction on Saturday by my GD midwife for high risk as i have few raised reading in two weeks

And just on Friday i got diagnosed that i have GD so they booked me for induction the next day which is Saturday (5 jan) i. Came back home and packed everything got my mind prepared then i was asked to call the IOL suite at.9 and when i called they said sorry there isn’t any bed available so whenever there is any bed available we’ll call you i said ok fine

Then they call me at 3 for just monitoring the baby for half an hour so i went and get the monitoring done came back..!! Been so impatient rest of the day and all night for just that call from IOL suite but NO CALL 😡😡

Now today 9 in the morning i called again and same reply that “NO BED AVAILABLE”

Now m just praying that i will go in labor on my own

Please ladies pray for me


Since evening i wasn’t feeling my baby’s movements at all instead of feeling so much pressure down there and some pain in my back that goes on N off so i called triage and came here they first done CTG in which they found out baby’s heartbeat is okay and recorded some contractions and i dont know why they still wanna send me home and come next day for scan but i refused as i was so uncomfortable so she said wait for doc then i waited 2 hours for doctor in this uncomfortableness and then doc called me n said it looks like you’re in early labor so there are two option either you can go home or stay here so of course i chose to stay (if i went home they gonna delay things again) they said baby is quite low but I’m only 1 cm dilated,having contractions (which is good news)

So now I’m in antenatal ward waiting for my contractions to get strong so please ladies pray for me as i want this baby so desperately..!! Coz I’m missing my 2 year old soo much (who died last year in jan)


They finally found a bed for me in induction suite and i am getting induce in few minutes lets see how things getting on