Trouble with husband waking up for feedings

I don’t want this to sound bad, but has anyone else had an issue with their husband being able to get up for night feedings? Our baby is only a week old today and I had an unplanned c section so i need a little more assistance with her right now. He doesn’t hear her cry and sometimes I’m waking her for feedings since my LC told me to feed her every 3 hours so if I wake him and she’s not crying he’s kind of a jerk about it and says things like “leave me alone” or “why would you wake a sleeping baby that’s unnatural”. I married him knowing he’s an utter nightmare to wake up from sleep even if it’s a daytime nap (pre baby) but he either is awful and doesn’t get up and has no memory of it or does get up and is a total DICK as if i have done something wrong by waking him. Luckily my MIL has been here to help me, but does anyone have any advice or perhaps has had. Similar experience with hubby just sleeping through the nights and acting like having a baby is easy.. 😓 he’s already talking about going back to work Monday