The month I stopped


Hubby and I have been TTC baby #2 since August. I was going crazy <a href="">tracking ovulation</a>, timing sex, taking vitamins and wouldn’t get pregnant. I got pregnant the first time with my son so I didnt understand. This month I stopped. Didn’t open an app. Didn’t time or track sex. Didn’t order more opks. Today according to glow is my first period day. My periods usually fluctuate every month so I wasn’t alarmed. My mom told me today I was “glowing” and asked if I was pregnant. I laughed it off and said no. I just bought a test so I could go on with my month without waiting for my period. To my shock the line appeared right away. Anyone wanna guess how far along I am? It’s stronger than any test I took with my son (up to 18dpo). My last period was December 6th.