How are you ladies coping?

Audrey • 31 years old. Mom of one little boy 👶🏼 with another bundle on the way! Happily married since ‘16 💏

OK so aren’t we all tired, hungry, achey and have heartburn all the time or is just me? I do the dishes and have to rest then go do something else and have to nap. Every little twinge or pain and I’m like could it be Labor?! I’m 36 weeks so i mean it is possible but probably not quite yet. Whenever I go any where I get all the questions like when are you due, is it a girl or a boy, etc.

I don’t know how to explain it but I just wish I could keep my mind off of everything for awhile! I don’t want to think about being pregnant or be paranoid about going into labor or my water breaking. 🤪 I’m still very excited for the baby and all but I think I need a distraction until she comes! I think if it wasn’t always on my mind I wouldn’t be so miserable.

Not sure if I explained myself very well but maybe someone else can relate?