Blood glucose and BP


I've had a nasty virus for a week now which I'm getting over. On Fri, my blood glucose dropped to 48. I was dealing with symptoms of hypoglycemia. My husband is a diabetic so we checked and was surprised to see how low it was especially after eating meals and snacks. I had my OB visit just after I had the low blood glucose episode and the doc said I didn't need to fast for my second 1 HR glucose testing. I'm high risk due to my age and heart condition. I passed the first one in November and I wasn't sick at that time. It was at 97.

So I wasn't in a good shape before the appt so I had a PBJ sandwich per doc and then I went to my appointment. My blood pressure was slightly high and it has been normal up to now and I'm on one baby aspirin a day to help maintain my blood pressure as I had high BP when I was overdue with my daughter my last pregnancy 12 years ago.

The doc went ahead with the glucose testing. I got my results just now and it's now at 136 which the doc wanted me under the normal values of 130-140 (preferably 130 as he said). The doc at the appt said the virus can mess up the blood glucose and BP levels. I had a nasty virus in October and at that time my BP was low.

I'm 29 weeks now. Problem is I had the PB J sandwich and then the nasty glucose drink along with my virus that I'm trying to get over.

I know I'll get a call tomorrow about the test result and see what's the next step .. prob a 3 hr glucose testing.

Has anyone dealt with similar issues with glucose and BP levels while getting over a virus in the 3rd trimester?