Hopefully tonight is the night


I am beyond ready to have this baby. I spent all day today cleaning the house and even cleaned my car out hoping to get things moving along. Been drinking the red raspberry leaf tea, ate a daggone pineapple core. I'm trying all the things to get this boy out!

A few hours ago I started having to pee literally every 15 minutes or so, and when I'd wipe there would be mucous on the tissue each time.Then I felt a tiny trickle come out when I bent over. My underwear were dark colored so I couldn't tell what color the fluid was. Changed underwear and went about my business. Started cooking dinner about an hour later and felt another trickle, this time there was more fluid. I had just peed 5 minutes before, but I figured it could still be pee. Decided to see if I needed to go again or not, and had to force out the tiniest little dribble, so I really don't think it was pee. Changed underwear again and this time I put a pad in so I can see what color the fluid is next time it happens.

I am praying that my water has broken is only trickling a little at a time due to baby's position. I am a FTM so I am completely new to all this and I don't know if this is it or if I just have my hopes up.