I need advice :( please

Hey guys, idk who is gonna read this but, I recently got my heart broken by a Guy, let’s start off by saying , I wasn’t suppose to fall for him, if anything I wanted to speak to him to forget my last heart break, anyways I wasn’t really planning to fall for him at all what’s so ever. We ended up talking and talking even more, I ended up getting feelings for the guy, and then when I first saw him, it was like amazing like the vibe was beautiful and everything was so great, he liked everything I liked, we understood each others jokes and everything was just great and amazing 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️, we talked for 2 months. I know right that’s not long but let me tell u something. It wasn’t a long period of time but it felt like I knew him forever the conversation never gets boring and it was just great vibes.... anyways this dude legit wrote me paragraph and used to post me on his snap and Instagram.

My question is why do guys waste their time and my time talking to me if they are going to dub me days later ?????? Why even fuck a girl up like that and make her feel so special when they know that you are not special to them ??? Why even do that ??? It hurts it truly does ....