Jury Duty

Nessie • 💐

***PSA please do not judge me for needing help with this. To some this might seem so easy. To me it’s not. Please keep in mind I have severe anxiety & other mental illnesses. I’m also not getting into the legal or technical reasons behind attending & all the benefits that come with it. I’m aware of them as my sister has a bachelors in criminal justice & worked with this particular judge. I’m just asking for some advice on what I can do to make this experience less stressful. Thanks!***

So I got a letter in the mail saying I need to attend Jury Duty in February. Since then I have had massive amounts of anxiety. I’ve never been & I’m beyond stressed about it. I called my local court house (as instructed for questions). The lady cut me off while trying to explain my situation & told me their is a section on the papers to fill out if I don’t want to attend & the judge will grant it how he sees fit. A doctor excuse is recommended to backup your reasons for not going. Not only is my anxiety just threw the roof about this, but I’m a SAHM that has no reliable babysitter & my fiancé has our only car for work throughout the week. So putting my “petty reasons” aside. I still actually can’t make it. Would that be enough of a reason to be excused? Or will I need to see my doctor? I have no health issues (besides mental illnesses) which may or may not hold up as anything to the judge. Would my doctor be able to write me an excuse saying I’m a SAHM with no babysitter or transportation? My MIL told me she might be able to, but honestly I don’t think my doctor can do that since it has nothing to do with health related things. Y’all, I just need some help. From people that have experience please!