Lost and confused


Hi ladies, thank you for reading.

I am a momma, a wife, a pregnant lady, and most importantly a daughter of our most amazing God.

My husband and I are separated by three states because of a work transfer, while I am pregnant with our second. I am living with my in laws and our daughter (14 months).

I’m having a really hard time with this... on day one I find out my husband is looking at porn, we talked about it and discussed that it isn’t acceptable in our marriage MONTHS AGO. When I brought it up to him this time he started telling me that he watched it because he isn’t happy with me and that he hasn’t been happy with me..

he goes on to tell me I a horrible housewife and how I’m miserable etc. all of this he never told me when we were residing in the same home.. how am I supposed to fix that now!?!

I’m starting to feel like we will end up divorced by the time this transfer goes through... he hasn’t even submitted the paperwork yet to get it going, I moved to NC from FL with our daughter because with his company it has to be a following spouse transfer and he goes on a list until there’s a spot open near us.

He’s told me any times he will not quit his job and find a new one..

He then proceeded to tell me that if I wanted him to be faithful I needed to “let” him smoke weed and cigarettes... we compromised and he got a vape pen for the cigs... and weed he decided to quit it...

I’m just feeling so so lost. I know God will provide no matter what... it’s just how do you prepare yourself for your best friend not wanting to be with you anymore...