Waiting for him

We met at work and after a year became close friends which led to more. We had a fluid start to our relationship as we were both waiting for our exes to get out of our lives, we decided to move on with our own. Our breaking up with our exes was not based on our new found love, but was already in motion. In fact, we acted as supportive friends in our personal problems. We've now been solely together for 3 years, living together for 2 years and just bought a house together a year ago.

He was married once, to the mother of his children, but never to his recent ex who he was with for 15 years, thankfully with no kids. I on the other hand married my high school sweetheart while still a senior, no kids just did. His parents were never married and only lived together for a very short period of time. My parents have been married for 30 years and have instilled the importance of marriage into my life. After being together for so long, I want us to be married and he could care less. We tried and successfully got pregnant in May, but lost the baby at 6 weeks 4 days. Now we want to try again as soon as my period comes back. My issue is I really want to be married, one day! It doesn't have to be before we have a baby because well I want a baby like now, but I don't want to be like his ex and sit around for 15 years and still not be married... we both talk about getting married in the future, and that when we do it will be a big traditional wedding, but there is still no hope in my mind that he will ever ask me. I've asked when he wants to stay planning and he always had says he doesn't know but not right now, some day, he says. It hurts when I think about it. I know that we are true to one another, but I feel that marriage is such a big deal, especially when you have children. Also, if we have children and we're not yet married, I don't want my children to have a different last name from me. I told him that and he didn't really like it, but said he understood, even though kids should have their dad's name... so should their mom, I reply! Sorry just venting. I hate men